This weekend I’ve been building myself a greenhouse because the forecast was no wind which is crucial.
It was partially built several weeks back but the winds came and tormented the pieces not yet connected. Threatened to send £250 of jigsaw puzzle into the baron lands of Asian non gardeners. They have beautiful big houses up the road from me but no plant pots, no flowers, no decoration. They water their taxis and that’s it.
Anyway it requires the skills of a builder, the understanding of an architect and the patience of 7 saints. One piece goes in and the other side pops out. There are places for screws but no holes. Some bits are too big to fit even if you are the Grand Master of Greenhouse Builders so the mallet is knocking things in here and the stanley is chopping stuff there. I’m getting there though because it’s something I want.
I ache all over but it’s probably stretching and reaching and moving leg muscles I don’t just walking the dogs. But I feel tired, really tired. Noah was just sat in my armchair and I looked at him and thought how precious he is and that he’s getting old too. His little muzzle going grey and his slow walk since he fractured his pelvis. And in the light of recent weeks I don’t think I’ve ever felt so short of time. Like it’s running out in front of both me and my little precious dooby do. We won’t give up though, we will have long walks and home grown tomatoes yet.