There’s a truth women carry with them every day, a truth so obvious it’s practically tattooed on our consciousness: we know who the danger is.
It’s not a secret to us. It never has been. Not to us anyway.
Yesterday I read an article about sex in the back rooms of The Commons. This was under the Tory government, but no mind I don’t doubt it continues under the worker’s rights party. Anyway these were men. Men having sex with men. Even the odd married hetero having a dabble amongst the paperwork. Enjoying some afternoon delight when he should have been sorting out our once great country’s many issues. Wiping his shitty appendage with some important document and aiming it at his wastepaper basket.
Elsewhere a guy got 3 years in prison for selling firesticks so people could access crap tv without paying. A guy that shared images of a baby being raped got off with a suspended. Which one is the danger to society? Which one should be boiled naked in a vat of boiling oil?
Justin Welby: The Archbishop of Canterbury & Protector Of Nonces stepped down this week too. He was getting stick for ‘ignoring abuse’. He steps down” after years of shielding predators, as though resigning is penance enough for lives destroyed under his watch. A man of ‘god’ entrenched in the rich traditions of holy santimony. Good grief it’s been going on for centuries. Control, power and abuse. They just hadn’t bargained for the internet.
What is it that allows men to keep behaving like this? Pick a single day’s headlines, and it’s the same grotesque pattern, on repeat: men controlling, manipulating, raping, murdering, exploiting, and destroying lives. It’s not just their actions; it’s the apathy of the systems around them that enable this cycle.
Men, fix your own. This is not a problem for women to solve. If you’re tired of being lumped in with the monsters, then prove you’re different. Call out your friends. Fight the culture that breeds this entitlement.
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